A strong appetite, average palate, and weak writing, mixed with outdoor adventure.

A strong appetite, average palate, and weak writing, mixed with outdoor adventure.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Hey Everybody, This Guy Does Not Have a Car (Volume1)

Like ex-smokers and iPhone owners (I have an iPhone!), those of who are carless can be quite smug. Thus, since I have recently gone carless, the parade of smug blog posts shall begin now.

It has been a snowy this week, with two storms rolling through in the last five days and another scheduled for tonight. Practicing nonattachment extends to all aspects of life, including comfort, so I am embracing (sort of) the feeling of snowflakes sticking to my beard.


I embrace this!


Crisp and clear sunset looking across Cheesman Park


Pedaling through 5” of fresh powder

The immersion of cycling is underappreciated. Whether it is the sounds of birds, the quiet beauty of the city waking up, or the biting cold on your nose, you have an enhanced environmental awareness. You note where long shadows are cast, meaning that snow and ice linger, and plan accordingly. You seek efficiency, whether it is route planning or knowing that your lock is in the right pocket of your bag and the keys in your left front pocket. With a very real cost, calories and time, you simply pay attention. And in all that, you still get lost in the joy of pedaling.

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