A strong appetite, average palate, and weak writing, mixed with outdoor adventure.

A strong appetite, average palate, and weak writing, mixed with outdoor adventure.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Yesterday (Monday) I knocked out a dozen miles as my last long run prior to this weekend’s half-marathon. While running along the South Platte River I had the brief companionship of a sole coyote.


Constantly vilified as a pest as Denver suburbs continually chew into their habitat with locust like ferocity, I appreciate their resourcefulness and scrappy nature in living and breeding in the urbanized environment.


  1. Very cool. I always consider it to be good luck to sight a coyote or a fox.

  2. It's weird to see them in such close proximity to I-25, isn't it? I saw one near the Children's Museum a few months ago.

  3. If you only knew how much of an impact these little guys had on my life last week...

  4. @ Fixed Gal, yep between I-25 and the South Platte. A stunning hardscape habitat complete with lycra clad cyclists!
